Friday, September 18, 2009

30 Random Facts About Me

1 – I like the color purple, not the movie, but the actual color
2 – If it is Mexican, I will love it
3 – I don’t care what the temperature is, I always feel better with a blanket
4 – If a book or a movie makes me cry, it is a great book or movie
5 – I can never drink too much Diet Mt. Dew
6 – I am not a fan of greeting cards. I don’t care to send them; I don’t care if I don’t receive them; but if I do get a card, it is very thoughtful and nice
7 – I could probably pass by my own mother on the street and not notice her if I am thinking about other things
8 – Baseball is the best sport, ever
9 – I like to take a lot of pictures, but I am never happy with them later
10 – I feel that napping is a priority, not a luxury
11 – Don’t try to deceive me with your fake purses, I can see them coming a mile away, you are not fooling anyone
12 – If you make a negative comment about small dogs, it’s over. We will never be friends, even if you don’t know that I have small dogs
13 – Hy-Vee brand food is always as good, if not better, than brand name food
14 – I would like to own a lighthouse someday
15 – I can always learn more about the other planets
16 – I have 5 tomato plants that are out of control, and I don’t even really like tomatoes
17 – I can never drink too much Diet Mt. Dew
18 – I would be extremely happy if I could wear flip-flops every single day
19 – America’s Next Top Model was the best idea for a TV show in the history of TV shows
20 – I am concerned that I will never visit all the places I want to visit
21 – Coconut and pineapple make just about everything taste better
22 – I don’t mind doing laundry; I just don’t like the putting things away part
23 – I will help you if you need help, but I won’t do it for you if you are able to do it yourself
24 – I believe that I can never have too much scrapbooking stuff
25 – I prefer wheat beer, and if there is too much hops, I don't like it
26 - There is nothing wrong with tattoos, they mean nothing except to the person they are tattooed on
27 - I believe men look better with facial hair
28 - My idea of camping is spending the night in a hotel
29 - I am easily annoyed and frustrated, please don't try to help
30 - I can never drink too much Diet Mt. Dew

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Notice my new's a lighthouse. I love lighthouses!

You can't go home again

For the past few months I have been thinking about how different things are depending on where you live and where you're from. I have lived in 3 different places and find each place to be pretty different than the previous, however, these differences are in reality not all that significant. But they are just different. People talk differently, they use different phrases and words, and do different things, and are sometimes just plain weird. I know that the way I talk and the way I do things is the correct way, I mean, Ryan talks the way I do, and does things the way I do, so it must be right, right? I guess for us it is.
When people find out that I am originally from South Dakota they freak out. I mean seriously, freak out. The first thing they say is "I've never met anyone from South Dakota before." Then they say one of two things, "I was there once before" and proceed with a time they visited Mt. Rushmore, or just drove through, or "isn't that where Mt. Rushmore is?" Really, come on. Mt. Rushmore? OK I guess, I'll take it, it could be worse. More people could be as ridiculous as a few who in all seriousness think there is no running water, or that everyone is a farmer. But then again I do make assumptions about people from Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, and have never been to any of those places.
When people find out that I also lived in Kansas City they sudden forget that I said the word city after Kansas, and just start saying that I'm from Kansas. Obviously a portion of Kansas City is in Kansas, but most of it is in Missouri, and I lived in Missouri. Please get it straight - there is a difference. Do people not know basic geography anymore? When we lived in Kansas City, I couldn't wait to leave. So many red necks and white trash, it was at times unbearable. Now, I just really, really, really want to go back. I thought that life in Ohio had to be better....not so much. Not that life here sucks, but it's just not Kansas City, nor is it home. I don't hate northeast Ohio, it's just different.
Recently a friend from Kansas City (Missouri) visited South Dakota for the first time. Naturally she blogged about it. She stated that her trip wasn't bad, she got to see Mt. Rushmore, of course, and the VERY impressive Corn Palace. She also mentioned that she felt that people just weren't all that friendly. My first thought was, "weird, how could that be? People from South Dakota are the most friendly in the world." I discussed this idea with my mother, and she agreed with me, and my mother has lived in more places than me, and she isn't even originally from South Dakota, she's from Missouri(!). I thought about it more, and realized that most of the folks my friend came into contact with were those who work in the tourism industry. And she visited in peak tourism season, where everyone from Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Iowa go to visit. So therefore, the unfriendly people were just tired of their jobs and dealing with out-of-staters on a regular basis. I do apologize for them.
This past weekend I was talking with some Ohio friends about South Dakota. They have never been to, and want to visit, you guessed it, Mt. Rushmore. I can only imagine what they would think of my home state. Perhaps I should take them there for a tour and allow them to experience driving for 3 solid hours and see really nothing at all.
Soon we will find out if we get to stay here in NE Ohio, or if we will once again have to relocate for Ryan's residency. I keep thinking that there just has to be something better. But then I wonder, what better am I looking for? I'm not ready to go back to South Dakota, I'm really not sure if I will ever be. It's nice to visit, but living there again would just be so strange. Going back to Kansas City sure would be fantastic, but I'm not sure if that's in the cards. I wouldn't hate it if we stayed here, in fact it would be easier to not have to pack all our stuff, drive across the country and start to look for another new job yet again. But what if there is something that is just perfect. I wonder where that could be?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


So this is my first blog....ever. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous. I mean people out there in the world will be able to read my writing and I am not sure that I really feel ok about it. I would get nervous when Ryan would read my papers for school because I didn't know what he would think. Now anyone, anywhere, will be able to read my thoughts. I will make it, somehow. I must ALWAYS remember to use spellcheck. I first got interested in possibly blogging when I started to read my friend Jennifer's blog, Sunny Side Up. She is clever and smart and funny, all those good things. So I am going to give it a try, here goes. I named my blog When I recognize moment, it will be gone, because I am not the most observant of people, unless someone walks by with a fantastic Coach bag or looks completely unfortunate then I'm probably going to miss it. Perhaps the title sounds a bit like I am a pessimist, which I don't think that I am. Nor do I think of myself as an optimist, I am a realist. So, with that being said, this blog will, at times, include moments of me being bitchy. Hopefully I will be able to get you some stories of situations that you will find funny or entertaining. I've already got some ideas of topics, like my recent trip to Detroit, or excursions to Canada, perhaps even a topic about where one calls home. I am looking forward to writing this blog, I hope that you are looking forward to reading it. Wish me luck!